I'm happy to announce that, starting today, listing pages in the forum will now show completed auctions for both Bring A Trailer and Cars And Bids. We'll do eBay in the near future also, and data analytics will be coming as well.

The idea here is, sure, you can see what people are asking at a quick glance, but what if you want to know what prices these vehicles actually command? With sold auction listings, we can better visualize the true value of any given car, truck, or motorcycle. Not sure what to ask? Not sure what to offer? Not sure if that car you found a couple towns over is a good deal? Wonder no more.
I also made some tweaks to the system that will improve thread update time, and hopefully get more done faster behind the scenes, along with a color scheme update to really tie the room together. And, as always, more features and upgrades are coming. Did somebody say Kijiji?